Jasmin Onkelbach

Jasmin Onkelbach

Studying can sometimes be a tedious and frustrating task. However, I believe that anyone can enjoy studying and excell in a subject even if it may not be their passion. As a tutor, my biggest goal for my students is to help them create an individual strategy to achieve better grades and find joy in studying for the subject. During my time at ISR I also experienced classes and assignments that did not necessarily match my interests or with which I struggled. In such moments it always helped me when someone offered a different perspective on the topic. This can be a crucial part in succeeding in school. I want to achieve this effect for my students as well.

Subjects Jasmin Offers:

English, German, Math, Spanish A1 and A2
English, German, Math, Chemistry, History, Economics
English Lit., German Lang. Lit., Math AA, Chemistry, History, Economics
Chemistry, History, Economics