Q&A with Samuel G. Hillyer
We asked Sam, a top IB LIS Class of ’20 alumnus, an Industrial Engineering and Business student, and our inspiring tutor, to share his story with our community! 🌟
Q: What felt particularly difficult for you in high-school?
A: Throughout high school, time management proved to be the most challenging aspect of everyday school life. Being able to hand in internal assessments of a quality with which I was satisfied whilst staying on top of subject contents was straining at times.
Q: What’s a mistake you made as a student that taught you an important lesson?
A: Being too focussed on perfectionism.
Q: What advice would you give your high-school self?
A: Try not to overthink things, just do them.
Q: How do you deal with stress in daily life?
A: Balancing all endeavours regarding school but also sports and my social life help a great deal with dealing with any study related stress.
Q: What profession are you working towards? Why did you choose this goal?
A: Working in the Energy sector. The techno-political aspect of being able to contribute to the technological sector whilst trying to solve one of the most prominent problems of our generation (sustaining a sustainable and sufficient amount of energy globally) as well as working towards transitioning the most ecologically damaging industrial sector into an environmentally friendly one. All factors mentioned are great motivators driving me to do well in my masters as well as finding a position in the energy sector.
Q: How has your IB grade helped you with your goals?
A: Particularly in sense of obligation to have a positive impact in whatever I do.
Q: What skill did you learn after school that you wished you had learned earlier?
A: Learning how to study efficiently.
Q: What is your biggest achievement?
A: So far my Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering.
Q: What is something you teach all your students?
A: Methods of managing subjects and questions from a perspective of a student, which can differ from the way in which it is learned in class. As well as providing multiple methods that reach the same end goal.
Q: What makes you want to tutor?
A: Passing on knowledge that I enjoyed learning myself as well as trying to pass on my passion for the subjects in which I tutor.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your tutoring sessions?
A: Pupils Eureka Moments.
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